Saturday, August 27, 2005

Something Applicable...

Oookkkayy this started out as a comment on Emily's blog, but it became so big that I just decided to make it a blog of it's own...

I hate when people get invovled in other people's love lives and stuff it's frustrating...and relationships are private man! I might make a lot of enemies by saying this, but frankly, right now I don't care. What in God's name gives people the right to speculate and gossip about what might or might not be going on between you and someone else? Honestly, if that person WANTED you to know, they would tell you, and even then it doesn't give you the right to go spread the word. If I wanted to tell someone something it would be like one really good friend who I know will keep my secret and NOT spread it around, but all of a sudden I'm not sure who I can trust anymore...

But what really frustrates me is when people gather in small groups and SPECULATE about everything...I mean (okay I realize that I'm getting on my soap box here, but it needs to be said) Look at the freakin' tabloids at the store, and magazines covered with the latest gossip about celebs and their personal lives, would YOU like it if all of a sudden everyone knew EVERYTHING about you, and most of the time the information is incorrect? I don't know about you, but that would really piss me off.

So why do people do it?

This is sort of blowing things out of proportion, but like...that's exactly what's been going on lately, but on a smaller high school level...


wheatable said...

I want your body.

that lisa girl said...

I'm sorry. you can say it was me and get it over with already. and I'm sorry. shit. ...I feel like shit.

thesexyswede said...

Lisa it's not you at all, it's what Emily said. and even though you've been blogging about your problems and stuff we don't know who it is exactly and crap so we can't speculate which is a good thing.

that lisa girl said...

...riiiigggght. but why if I have nothing to worry about do I still feel so awful??