Sunday, February 05, 2006

There's something seriously wrong with Driven Parents...

I'm disgusted...

Seriously sickened by Sports Parents. I mean, you know there's something wrong when the parents on the side lines are more red faced, tight lipped, and over-all more pissed off at a call made by the refferee than the coach or even yet, their children. It's even sadder when the ref becomes verbally abused by said parents...especially when the refferee is me!

I had to refferee for a Fencing tournament on Saturday. It was pretty much the worst experience of my life. Not only for the reason that I spent three hours of my Saturday saying, "attack is parried, counter-parry-reposte, touch left....attack is no counter attack arrives touch right...attack into preparation touch...simulataneous action no touch..." etc. I was getting screamed at by the parents of these poor 10 and 12 year old fencers who really don't care if they really get the touch or not. It was ridiculous...and not to mention Scary.

The first time I got yelled at I had to give a red card to this little chinese boy for covering target area...the parents yelled at, is sounded something like, "chang pow-mai! chang pow mai! why you do tha! me-ho mai doobidy doo!" Once you get one yellow card any consecutive card recieved for the same offense is a red card which is an automatic touch for your oppenent.

The second time I got yelled at it was the anchor-bout between Utah Valley vs. School House Fencing. I called the touch, "attack from the right is no, attack from the left, then the remise, touch left." The parents of this poor girl flipped out so much. They just screamed at me and yelled and yelled, because what THEY saw was attack no, second intention, counter attack, touch right...It was scary. And it pissed me off so much. Grrrr...

I wasn't only pissed off because they were yelling at me, I was pissed off because they were yelling at their little kids! OH MY....FREAKING GOD! Alright let me tell you something about ten year old fencers. They really don't care about winning, they care more about having fun. The kids weren't even upset until their parents started yelling at me for calling the touch 'wrong'.

So parents reading this blog, if you have children involved in sports and you do what I just described...I will hunt you down and like.......freaking black card you!


Alex Iskandar said...

Stab them in the rear with the sabre, Jessy :-D LOL

thesexyswede said...

We need to do something that doesn't involve

Alex, I was seriously considering it. *eye twitch*