Sunday, November 05, 2006

Big, Deep, Frustrated Sigh...

There are just certain people that I talk to where Messenger is really the only valid form of communication with them at this point in time... like my friends who are off in Tasha and Becca Burgon and Cameron Bench, there's also Mariette and Becca Cain (and while I don't really communicate with them anymore it's still nice to have that option), Ryan "Sven" in Canada, Cameron Asay, Jessica, Winter and Hilary from Timpanogos, Shamae moved back to California soooo...

I could just use my myspace more, but I really really loathe myspace... I only use it for image hosting so I can hot-link pictures to this, my blog...

Right now I just feel so cut off from people that I miss.... So, why don't I just call them up? Well...Society as a whole is extremely dependent on technology. I'm sure there was a time when the computer was just brand spankin' new and parents were constantly having to tell there children to "get the f*** off!" but now it has become a necessity to both personal and business life. Messenger and Text Messaging, as much as I hate to admit it, are quickly on their way to becoming a piece of technology that people will have to incorporate into their daily lives (that is, if they haven't already done so).

In short: I really, truly need MSN...


Danelle said...

Yay Messanger! heheh love Danee

Alex Sousa said...

Sorry Jessy, but I'm gonna have to disagree a little. You want messenger, you don't need it. Don't let it get you down

thesexyswede said...

I know sousa I know. It would just be really convenient to have it again.

Danelle said...

i agree with Sousa. but messanger is nice. but there's always the phone... sorry im probly not helping much
oh well i try i hope that counts for something.
Love Danee