Saturday, November 18, 2006

Never Ever.

I hate the words 'shut up'

I... really really dislike when I'm seriously told to shut up. I'm fine with it if someone uses 'shut up' in a comedic way, but when someone is actually pissed and they say it, it makes me very angry. It's so dismissive and patronizing, and makes people feel about the size of a thumb tack.

So, I promise right now, for the rest of my life to never ever tell someone to 'shut up' when I'm angry.


Danelle said...

I second that motion... :D your right i agree with you 100%

Anonymous said...

heheh ... hey ya j ;-) sometimes the ppl who uses such expression are actually quite insecure. hope everything's well there.

Alex Sousa said...

Shut up

Alex Sousa said...
